Monday, February 5, 2007

Emulators Guide

  • Download and install Samsung emulators. The latest version is here (login required).
    (Assume that you install Samsung emulators after installing other emulators)
  • Goto this folder "C:\SAMSUNG_WTK20\wtklib\devices" and you'll see a list of samsung devices.
  • Goto each device folder, and open the file with extension ".properties" with NotePad.
    Ex: Open file "C:\SAMSUNG_WTK20\wtklib\devices\SGH_X100\"
  • Scroll down the file till you see this line: "colorCount=0x10000". Then you change it to "colorCount=0x1000000". The same for other files.
  • Goto Start Menu => "SAMSUNG JaUmi Wireless Toolkit 2.0" => "Default Device Selection" and choose which emulator you'd like to run the games. (Can skip this step)
  • Now double click on the ".jad" file of the game and enjoy.

  • Download and install SE Emulators.
    (Assume that you install SE emulators after installing other emulators)
  • Goto Start Menu => "Sony Ericsson" => "Java ME SDK for CLDC" => "WTK2" => "Default Device Selection" and choose which emulator you'd like to run the games. (Can skip this step)
  • If you have two files ".jad" and ".jar" for the game. You symply click on the ".jad" file to run the game.
  • If you have just one ".jar" file for the game. You have to open "Sony Ericsson\Java ME SDK for CLDC\WTK2\KToolbar" in the Start Menu. Goto menu "File" => "Create project from jad/jar" and select the ".jar" file. Then click "Run" button in the "KToolbar" windows.
Megaman Zero

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